The Health of Your Pet’s Heart

The Health of Your Pet’s Heart

The heart is part of the cardiovascular system, which also includes all of the blood vessels in the body. Together, they form a circuit, or a loop, through which the blood travels around the body. How does the heart work? The left side of your heart receives...
Your Pet Nutritional Care

Your Pet Nutritional Care

Your Pet Nutritional Care The decisions you make about your pet’s nutrition will affect his/her growth, development, and behavior. Feed your pets a complete and balanced diet to ensure that they get the proper nutrition to develop and stay healthy. Grain/Gluten Free,...
The Health of Your Pet’s Kidney

The Health of Your Pet’s Kidney

The Health of Your Pet’s Kidney Kidneys are a vital organ for normal body function in dogs and cats. There are two kidneys: the Right and the Left Kidney. They regulate water, electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and the production of red blood cells and Vitamin D....
Skin Problems in Pets

Skin Problems in Pets

Skin Problems in Pets The skin is part of the integumentary system. It is the organ that serves as the protective covering of a people and animals. For animals, the protective comvering includes the nails, horns, hooves, skin, haircoat, scales and feathers. The skin...
Liver Disease in Pets

Liver Disease in Pets

Liver Disease in Pets What does the liver do? It produces the essential protein, albumin. It stores minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K. It helps the body get rid of wastes and poisons. It stores energy. It metabolizes proteins, fats, and...
Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Disease A single bite from an infected mosquito can put your pet at risk for developing heartworm disease. Even indoor-only pets are at risk for heartworm infection since mosquitoes can find their way inside the home. This deadly disease has been reported in...