Happy thanksgiving!

Don’t forget that the delicious foods that you will enjoy on the Thanksgiving Day are not good for pets and can cause serious illness. While your family enjoys a special meal, give your cat and dog a small feast of their own. Feed them friendly options instead.

Keep your pet away from these dangerous festive foods:

  • Turkey Avoid giving your pet turkey meat, especially fatty dark meat, skin and any leftover bones. Not only are bones a choking hazard, but they can splinter inside your pet’s digestive tract. (a small amount of unseasoned white meat is okay)
  • Garlic, onion, leeks, and chives. These seasonings are toxic to dogs and cats – they can cause destruction of their red blood cells. Avoid giving your pet a bite of anything cooked with these ingredients, like green beans, potatoes, stuffing, or gravy.
  • Unbaked dough containing yeast. Unbaked yeast dough can cause a stomach blockage if eaten
  • Desserts should be kept out of your pet’s reach as well. Chocolate, raisins, currants, and the popular sugar-substitute xylitol. Xylitol, even in small amounts, are toxic to your dogs & cats, so please keep keto-friendly/diabetic-friendly/sugar-free deserts to yourself.
  • make sure your trash can is secure as well and out of the reach pf your pets.

The good News: Canned pumpkin is good for your dog. Canned pumpkin contains soluble fiber, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, beta-carotene and iron. But remember as with any good thing, use it in moderation, 1 teaspoon is plenty.

Give us a call at 813-920-0303 if you have any questions!